Thursday, February 3, 2011

Cousin Love


Most of you know what a big influence my extended family has on my family and I over here. My last blog post is proof of that. Suffice it to say that I am very close to my family.

Emotionally..... yes.


But we received some postal service delivered LOVE today. All the way from home.
Thanks to our cousins who knew just the right things to send. Gifts, books...and of course food.
Oh, Australian food. How I have missed you.xoxoxoxo


Most of it will result in extra cellulite on my thighs but you only live once....and it makes training all the more meaningful when I know I have to fit back into my spandex tri suit in time for race season.

Most of the goodies made it here unscathed except for the chicken chips that looked like they may have spontaneously exploded covering everything in the box with fine chip dust.


We will have to ration the goodies of course.
Savour them.


Mmmmmmm...just thinking about their yumminess makes me happy {food fixation I hear you say.....yes, quite apologies there.}


  1. I LOVE that they are eating the dust out of the box! That is true appreciation. :) How awesome to get those care packages from so far away. :)

  2. I was happy to see some vegemite included in your package from home. It makes one want to pull out the old Men at Work albums and fix one's self a sandwich.

  3. How great!! I must say, Australia really DOES know how to do chocolate, lollies and cookies! Glad you got a slice of home... and from family no less! :-)

  4. They only sent ONE jar of Vegemite? How will you ever survive? I still have the last dregs of some Aussie sweets here.

