Thursday, October 30, 2014

Fall Fondness

Plenty of people tell me Fall is their favorite season.  I have never been a big fan but I think after all this time it is growing on me.

It's soccer season for one.  I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE watching my boys play, However now we are at the back end of the season it will be nice to get my weekends and weekday evenings back, at least for the next month or so before indoor starts. And it is always lovely to have friends drop in to watch a game too.

Friday night football with friends has become a regular thing too.  Well I really only go to see Ciara at the half time show but I have been developing an appreciation for high school football all the same.  Sitting out under a blanket on the bleachers does hold a slightly macabre appeal.

Pumpkin carving in preparation for Halloween has become quite a Fall tradition too.  Although we have upped our game this year with Max introducing the use of the jigsaw. Nothing like a power tool to get it done quicker..  Matt even carved one too. And as tradition dictates we spent the evening roasting and eating some delish pumpkin seeds.

Looks like a fun weekend coming up for the Melvilles starting with Halloween tomorrow night.  More on that in the next blog post.