Too lazy to write too here is our week in pictures. Really a lot of it revolves around food..{what surprise, but at least I'm working out!}. Started out with some banana muffins with cream cheese frosting. Then.....
Bread baking....
Biome projects - dioramas and presentations....
Surprise gift box from home...
Can you tell that there was a little bit of a frenzy opening up the package. We LOVE our package sending rellies in Sydney. Now all we have to do its just ration it. That's going to be REALLY hard.
The kids decided that they wanted to sign up for the Seattle Kids Marathon in November. I know it seems like a long way away but time seems to fly and I know it will come around quicker than I expect. Here is the event info...doesn't it sound fun?
My brother, sister-in law and their 2 girls will be over from Australia visiting us and they are signing up too. Well maybe not my brother....he is going to be the waterboy. I think I'll sign up for the 5k or the Half Marathon. My s-i-l says she is thinking of doing the 5k so if she does I think I'll choose that over the Half. Anyway....something fun to look forward to...Thanksgiving in Seattle AND a race. Yay!
We woke up this morning to find that our Friday ski class had been cancelled because the gondola at Silver Mountain had broken down. So glad we weren't on it when it died. So after doing a bit of school work we headed downtown to give ice skating a try. Spokane is currently the host of the National Ice Skating Championships so we were lucky enough to see a number of world class skaters out on the ice practicing and warming up. Very cool. They really make it look easy. Having said that I don't think I'm selling myself short when I say I have absolutely NO God given talent for ice skating. None. WHATSOEVER. Jack and I spent the entire time either glued to the handrail around the outside of the rink...or like this....{apologies for the lousy video technique}
You can tell from Ciara and Max's expressions that we were just all loving the freedom and grace that ice skating gives you..{eyeroll}
Give me a pair of running shoes ANY day.
But on the upside, this capped off a week or trying new and different sports. Matt took the kids to play racquetball which is kind of like the American version of squash. I had to spectate as my shoulder was still playing up after falling off the ski lift last week....and to be honest I was a little relieved. Those little rubber balls were flying around like crazy in there.
Does this count as P.E? If your a homeschooler it does. The kids started their ski and snowboard lessons today as part of the Silver Mountain Homeschool Ski program along with about 200 other homeschooled kids. This will be the first of 8 weeks of lessons and Friday skiiing...such a great way to end the week. Conditions were really gusty on the mountain today. At one point Jack and I were actually blown off the magic carpet but despite the challenging conditions they had a ball and really enjoyed their lessons. They can all easily out-ski me already so by the end of the 8 weeks I will be "bringing up the rear" when we hit the slopes.
And after all that skiing we decided a visit to the indoor water park was a "MUST. Here are some pictures of the Silver Mountain Indoor Water Park. It's a pretty cool place.
We just about had it to ourselves which was surprising considering it was Friday.
We made the most of it...I'm guessing everyone will be sleeping well here tonight.