Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Off Season

During the spring and summer I admit that I spend a bit of time training. Somewhere between 10 and 12 hours a week. Not a lot compared to some people, but between juggling homeschooling, my printing business and the rest it sometimes seems like there is no time left over for another else.

So now that its the off season it has been nice to have some down time. I don't follow a structured swim/bike/run schedule over the winter. I just do what I want when I want, so that I stay in shape but prevent burning out and over training. If I feel like swimming I swim. TRX...sure why not. Doing nothing...yes, well actually no...truthfully I'm not very good at doing nothing. ( Except of course I amvery good at doing nothing if it involves a tropical beach and a cocktail but that is for another blog post)

So if I'm training less over the winter then what may you ask, am I doing with all this extra time?????

Well there has been some of this...


And a bit of this....


And this....(AKA the disco wreath)


And this one for Ciara....


And my personal favorite....


If you are noticing a particular color scheme here it is purely coincidental and has nothing to do with my A type personality :-) Now you understand what Matt has to deal with!


  1. I can has the disco wreath, please?

  2. I adore it!!!

    We are totally doing the same things. I've got knitting projects, embroidery, a quilt, hand painting Natalie's wall and other assorted projects.

    We should get crafty together during "the off season."

    I've also decided that I like breaking my year up into "seasons" and winter In Spokane is just made for crafting. :)

    LOVE your projects!!

