Phew....another year in the homeschool bag. Lots of changes ahead for us as Ciara heads off to Central Valley HS next year. So we decided our last week of school was going to be a bit of a celebration. A time to put away the books and just do something fun.
We made a list of somethings we really wanted to try. Our list included learning about Ancient Egyptian gods and making our own Egyptian mummy. Here are some of the other fun activities we packed into our last week of school:
{WARNING - If you have a weak stomach then you might want to skip the last few pictures}
Geometric string art
Cake decorating
Frog dissection ( I warned you)
So now its time for summer.....bring on the hot weather. Yippee!!
I knew it was coming... and I still wasn't ready. ;) *Ribbit, ribbit*
Ella saw the string art and said, "Whoa!" I'm guessing we'll be googling instructions for it soon.