Monday, April 30, 2012



That's the only word I have right now.

My coach, mentor and friend Scott Roy passed away unexpectedly last night.

He leaves behind a wife Tristin and beautiful son Reece.

He was one of the most genuine, giving people I have ever known.

He overcame his own incredible challenges and inspired hundreds of others to believe in themselves and reach their goals.

So much to say but no words with which to say it. 

His own words are a better testament to his spirit than any I could write. Coach Scott's Blog


  1. I am so sorry. Keeping you and his family in my thoughts.

  2. Ahhh. So very sorry Donna. Made my heart ache to read your blog and Scott's. Seems as though we vacationed in the same place near the same time in Oahu. May God hold close all those that mourn his unexpected passing.

  3. Thanks. Scott and I were headed to Arizona to do Ironman together in November. No idea if I will ever be able to make it to the start line on my own.

  4. Hi Donna, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss, Scott had such a wonderful inspiring blog. I hope after some time to grieve you'll find the strength to continue your journey to IM AZ, wishing you and Scott's family all the best.

  5. so so sorry for your loss. hang in there!

  6. Friend. You will make it to Arizona. Scott resides in all of those he trained before you. And he leaves parts of himself in them. They will see you through. I know that right now things seems bleak. But I see in you the strength to do anything you set your mind to. You will make it to Arizona.

    My heart aches with you though for the loss of your "brother." I only had a tiny sliver of a relationship with him and in 4 months he completely changed my belief in myself. He was one of the most incredible people I've even had the privilege of knowing. And you are too. You will make it through this pain and it will be beautiful.

    I love you, sister.

  7. I am so sorry to hear of such a horribly devastating loss. I pray your heart has found some comfort in your friends and triathlete family. XOXO

