I have been tagged by the crafty and creative
Shalet at Peculiar Momma to reveal some weird and wonderful tidbits about myself. But because I have already bored you with
random facts about myself before I thought I'd do something a little different! Being mindful of Thanksgiving I decided to list 7 random things that make me happy and that I am thankful for. Now you may gasp when see that I have not listed my ever patient husband and the fruit of his loin..( my 3 wonderful children)...but I am assuming that they are a given. It goes unsaid that I am forever grateful and thankful for having them in my life. That being said I assembled a bit of a Thankful mosaic.
For those that are struggling with some of the images...here is the list
1 - My most favorite fruit in the world- passionfruit. Even the name is yummy. I haven't eaten it for nearly 5 years as we can't find where to buy it here in the U.S.
2 - Vegemite. Being an Aussie girl through and through I just can't live without spreading this on my toast in the morning...( and yes...it IS black!)
3 - Margaritas...when God created alcohol he had mothers in mind!
4 - Needs no description. Life would not be worth living without it!
5 - My new glasses. Although it reminds me I am getting older at least I can see now ...so overall they are a good thing!
6 - I dream of going back to Europe with my hubby again one day. We spent a blissful 6 months vacationing there together back in 1995.....mmmmm..one day!
7 - I'm LOVING my Canon Rebel Xsi. I think my family are over my constant snapping their every movement though.
8 - (Yes...I know I said 7 but I couldn't do an uneven number of pics in my mosaic, so...) This is where I will be on Christmas day this year..lying on the beach in Noosa... must say...I AM LOVING THAT!
Happy Thanksgiving!