Monday, January 24, 2011

Putting Handmade to Work

IMG_0547 you already know how much of a fan I am of handmade things.

I like that there is a little piece of the person that made it in each handmade item.

It makes it personal...and special.

With that in mind, Matt, the kids and I sat down to work out how we can put our handmade to good work.

IMG_8626Every year we pick a family community service project to do together.  Last year we put together little Christmas gift bags for some children in remote villages in Guatemala. We sent them down with our local Bishop and some missionaries who gave them out to the kids.  My children really enjoyed seeing the fruits of their charity. And they decided that they wanted to do something like that again.
Guatemala 50th 102

So I sent out some emails to local charities here in Spokane asking if there was anything that they needed that we could make ourselves.  I got IMMEDIATE responses and a big YES from a number of charities asking for handmade blankets and quilts for babies and children.

The charities we will be helping provide support to low income pregnant women and parents with young children as well as serving as emergency and transitional shelters for homeless women and their children.  The work they do is invaluable in helping the vulnerable in our community so we are super excited to be able to lend them a hand.

We will take a number of months to complete our project. We are going to try and make as many quilts and blankets as we possibly can. So over the next few months I'll be posting updates on our project.  Putting our handmade to do some good work.

